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RestApiAuthMgrWpf Properties

The RestApiAuthMgrWpf type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property Static member AllowIdpBasedSso
Should IDP Based SSO be allowed? This is known to have quite a few JavaScript errors and is therefore defaulted to off.
Public property Api
The API that is linked to this authorization manager.
(Inherited from ApiAuthManager.)
Protected property AuthenticationStateChange
Notifies that SSO authentication has completed.
(Inherited from ApiAuthManager.)
Public property IsUiSupported
Is the UI supported?
(Inherited from ApiAuthManager.)
Public property LoginDetails
The details for the user who is logging in using this auth manager.
(Inherited from ApiAuthManager.)
Protected property SsoAuthenticationComplete
Notifies that SSO authentication has completed.
(Inherited from ApiAuthManager.)
See Also