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ApiAuthManager Class
A authentication manager for a manually implemented authentication.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Rally.RestApi.Auth
Assembly: Rally.RestApi (in Rally.RestApi.dll) Version: (
public abstract class ApiAuthManager

The ApiAuthManager type exposes the following members.

Protected methodApiAuthManager
Public propertyApi
The API that is linked to this authorization manager.
Protected propertyAuthenticationStateChange
Notifies that SSO authentication has completed.
Public propertyIsUiSupported
Is the UI supported?
Public propertyLoginDetails
The details for the user who is logging in using this auth manager.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginFailureBadConnection
The error message to show when we failed to connect to a server or proxy.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginFailureBadServer
The error message to show when a login failure occured due to the server not being reachable.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginFailureCredentials
The error message to show when a login failure occured due to bad credentials.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginFailureLoginEmpty
The error message to show when a login failure occured due to the credentials being empty.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginFailureProxyCredentials
The error message to show when a login failure occured due to bad proxy credentials.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginFailureServerEmpty
The error message to show when a login failure occured due to the server field being empty.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginFailureUnknown
The error message to show when an unknown login failure occured.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowCancelText
The text for the cancel button in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowConnectionTypeText
The text for the connection type label in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowCredentialsTabText
The text for the credentials tab in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowDefaultProxyServer
The default proxy server for the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowDefaultServer
The default server for the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowHeaderLabelText
The text for the header label in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowLoginText
The text for the login button in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowLogoutText
The text for the logout button in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowProxyPwdLabelText
The text for the proxy password label in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowProxyServerLabelText
The text for the proxy server label in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowProxyServerTabText
The text for the proxy tab in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowProxyUserNameLabelText
The text for the proxy username label in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowPwdLabelText
The text for the password label in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowRallyServerTabText
The text for the rally server tab in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowServerLabelText
The text for the server label in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowSsoInProgressText
The text for the sso in progress label in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowTitle
The text for the login window title.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowTrustAllCertificatesText
The text for the trust all certificates label in the login window.
Public propertyStatic memberLoginWindowUserNameLabelText
The text for the user name label in the login window.
Protected propertySsoAuthenticationComplete
Notifies that SSO authentication has completed.
Public methodCode exampleAutoAuthenticate
Auto authenticates the user if there are saved credentials.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleConfigure
Configures the authorization manger.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteCachedLoginDetailsFromDisk
Deletes any cached login credentials from disk.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodNotifyLoginWindowSsoComplete
Notifies the login window that SSO has been completed.
Protected methodOpenSsoPageInternal
Opens the window that displays the SSO URL to the user.
Protected methodCode examplePerformAuthenticationCheck
Performs an authentication check against an identity provider (IDP Initiated).
Protected methodCode examplePerformLogoutFromRally
Performs an logout from Rally.
Protected methodReportSsoResults
Reports the results of an SSO action.
Public methodCode exampleShowUserLoginWindow
Authenticates the user against Rally. This must be called from the UI thread.
Protected methodShowUserLoginWindowInternal
Opens the window that displays the SSO URL to the user.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also