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RallyRestApi Class
The main interface to the Rally REST API
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Rally.RestApi
Assembly: Rally.RestApi (in Rally.RestApi.dll) Version: (
public class RallyRestApi

The RallyRestApi type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleRallyRestApi
Construct a new RallyRestApi configured to work with the specified WSAPI version
Public propertyAuthenticationState
The state of authentication for this API instance.
Public propertyConnectionInfo
The connection info thsi API is using.
Public propertyHeaders
The HTTP headers to be included on all REST requests
Public propertyWebServiceUrl
The full WSAPI url
Public propertyWsapiVersion
The WSAPI version we are talking to.
Public methodCode exampleAddToCollection
Add items to a collection
Public methodCode exampleAuthenticate(String, String, String, WebProxy, Boolean)
Authenticates against Rally with the specified credentials
Public methodCode exampleAuthenticate(String, String, Uri, WebProxy, Boolean)
Authenticates against Rally with the specified credentials
Public methodCode exampleAuthenticateWithApiKey(String, String, WebProxy)
Authenticates against Rally with the specified credentials
Public methodCode exampleAuthenticateWithApiKey(String, Uri, WebProxy)
Authenticates against Rally with the specified credentials
Public methodCode exampleAuthenticateWithZSessionID
Authenticates against Rally with the specified credentials
Public methodCode exampleCreate(String, DynamicJsonObject)
Create an object of the specified type from the specified object
Public methodCode exampleCreate(String, DynamicJsonObject, NameValueCollection)
Create an object of the specified type from the specified object
Public methodCode exampleCreate(String, String, DynamicJsonObject)
Create an object of the specified type from the specified object
Public methodCode exampleDelete(String)
Delete the object described by the specified reference.
Public methodCode exampleDelete(String, Int64)
Delete the object described by the specified type and object id.
Public methodCode exampleDelete(String, String)
Delete the object described by the specified reference.
Public methodCode exampleDelete(String, String, Int64)
Delete the object described by the specified type and object id.
Public methodCode exampleDownloadAttachment
Downloads an attachment from Rally.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleGetAllowedAttributeValues
Get the allowed values for the specified type and attribute
Public methodCode exampleGetAttributesByType
Get the attribute definitions for the specified type
Public methodCode exampleGetByReference(String, String)
Get the object described by the specified reference.
Public methodCode exampleGetByReference(String, Int64, String)
Get the object described by the specified type and object id.
Public methodCode exampleGetByReferenceAndWorkspace
Get the object described by the specified reference scoped to the provided workspace.
Public methodCode exampleGetCurrentUser
Get the current user
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleGetSubscription
Get the current subscription
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleGetTypes

Unsupported - DO NOT USE

Get the attribute definitions for the specified project or workspace (part of the query string).
Note Note
This uses an unpublished/unsupported endpoint and should NOT be used by non-Rally applications. This endpoint may alter behavior at any point in time.
Public methodCode exampleLogout
Logs this API out from any connection to Rally and clears the authentication configuration.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode examplePost
Performs a post of data to the provided URI.
Public methodCode exampleQuery
Perform a read against the WSAPI operation based on the data in the specified request
Public methodCode exampleRemoveFromCollection
Remove items from a collection
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDefaultConnectionLimit
Sets the default maximum concurrent connection limit for this application.
Note Note
This will affect all connections that use Service Point.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleUpdate(String, DynamicJsonObject)
Update the item described by the specified reference with the fields of the specified object
Public methodCode exampleUpdate(String, DynamicJsonObject, NameValueCollection)
Update the item described by the specified reference with the fields of the specified object
Public methodCode exampleUpdate(String, String, DynamicJsonObject)
Update the item described by the specified type and object id with the fields of the specified object
Public methodCode exampleUpdate(String, String, DynamicJsonObject, NameValueCollection)
Update the item described by the specified type and object id with the fields of the specified object
Public fieldStatic memberAUTH_ERROR
/// The default auth arror
Public fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_SERVER
The default server to use: (
Public fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_WSAPI_VERSION
The default WSAPI version to use
Public fieldStatic memberSECURITY_ENDPOINT
The endpoint for getting a CSRF token. This has custom logic in HttpService for SSO users.
Public fieldStatic memberZSessionID
The identifier for the authentication cookie used by Rally.
See Also